Mattia Perin

Mattia Perin is retained at Juventus for 2023/24 season ➤ Goalkeeper with jersey number 36 ➤ This 32 years old Italian Footballer was born on November 10, 1992.

Player Summary for Mattia Perin

Club Juventus
Position Goalkeeper
Jersey Number 36
Height 188cm ► 6' 2"
Age 32 years old
Birthday November 10, 1992
Nationality Italian
Contract Expires July 2025
Weekly Pay £45,000.00

Additional Info

Born in Latina on 10 November 1992, Mattia has been at Juve since 2018. He has spent much of his professional career at Genoa, where he made his debut in 2010/11 and played for six seasons, and then again on loan between 2020 and 2021.

He excels at stopping shots and making outstanding penalty saves, which is now one of his specialities. Perin can be described in three words: lively, creative and fiery.

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