Carlo Pinsoglio

Carlo Pinsoglio is retained at Juventus for 2023/24 season ➤ Goalkeeper with jersey number 23 ➤ This 34 years old Italian Footballer was born on November 16, 1990.

Player Summary for Carlo Pinsoglio

Club Juventus
Position Goalkeeper
Jersey Number 23
Height 194cm ► 6' 4"
Age 34 years old
Birthday November 16, 1990
Nationality Italian
Contract Expires July 2025
Weekly Pay £10,769.00

Additional Info

Born in 1990, in Moncarlieri, Carlo Pinsoglio has been with Juventus since taking his first steps in the world of football.

The 6ft4 goalkeeper, began his football career at Juventus in 2000. In 2010, he graduated from the Juventus youth system, where he began a long journey of playing across the Italian peninsula.

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