Nathaniel Clyne
Nathaniel Clyne is retained at
Crystal Palace
for 2023/24 season ➤ Defender with jersey number 17 ➤ This
33 years old
English Footballer was born on April 5, 1991.
Player Summary for Nathaniel Clyne |
Club | Crystal Palace |
Position | Defender |
Jersey Number | 17 |
Height | 174cm ► 5' 8" |
Age | 33 years old |
Birthday | April 5, 1991 |
Nationality | English |
Contract Expires | June 2024 |
Weekly Pay | £69,000.00 |
Additional Info
Nathaniel Clyne, a Stockwell native, progressed through the Crystal Palace Academy ranks and gained popularity as the team escaped relegation in 2010. In 2020, he moved back to south London.
Clyne was popular for the first time in south London, in part because he grew up in Stockwell, south London.
At the age of 14, he left Tottenham Hotspur because the distance across the city was too much for him to bear, and he transferred to the Eagles’ Academy.